In these general terms and conditions, and in an agreement to which they apply, the following is understood:
under client: the (legal) person who has given the contractor an order for advice on, organization of, or implementation of an event / stand / decor / interior.
under contractor: the (legal) person who has undertaken vis-à-vis the client for advice on, organization of, or implementation of an event / stand / decor / interior, or who is willing – at the quotation stage – to undertake to do so.
under agreement: an agreement between client and contractor for advice on, organization of, or performance of an event / stand / decor / interior.
under production date: the (first) day on which the event / stand / decor / interior will be organized or to be carried out by the contractor under an agreement.
under location / time: the place and time agreed upon with the client of what has been agreed.
These general terms and conditions form part of all quotations from and agreements with the contractor that refer to these terms and conditions.
Deviating clauses and any general terms and conditions of the client only apply if and insofar as they have been expressly accepted by the contractor in writing.
Offers from the contractor count as an invitation to a potential client to make an irrevocable offer to conclude an agreement as described in the offer.
Quotations from the contractor are valid for 14 days. This must be signed and returned by the client for approval.
All prices stated are rental prices and remain the property of the contractor, unless agreed otherwise.
The Contractor will be able to execute any agreement to the best of its ability and is entitled to engage third parties in and for the execution of an agreement.
If changes to the original plan are necessary during the execution of an agreement, the contractor is entitled to implement these changes / adjustments without the client’s permission being required. Insofar as these changes / adjustments result in additional work, this will be for the account of the client and this additional work will be invoiced separately.
Complaints as a result of the execution of an agreement must be communicated to the contractor by registered letter as soon as possible, but no later than five days after the execution has been completed, under penalty of forfeiture of any claim whatsoever.
Minor deviations in the implementation, also in an aesthetic sense, do not constitute grounds for complaint.
The Client must take care of the permission of third parties, permits and the payment of fees that are required for the execution of an agreement.
The client is responsible for the acts and omissions of visitors to an assignment organized or executed by the contractor under an agreement.
Electricity, gas, water, light and sewerage facilities must be provided by the client himself.
Insofar as work is done with goods and materials made available by the contractor, the client is obliged to return these goods and materials to the contractor in the same condition.
The contractor is entitled to suspend the execution of an agreement as soon as he has well-founded fear of assuming that the client will not (be able to) fully fulfill his obligations under this or other agreements.
Cancellation by the client must be in writing and dated. The customer cannot derive any rights from an oral cancellation. One can only speak of cancellation when it has been signed by the client and is in the possession of the contractor.
In the event of postponement or cancellation by the client, it is obliged to pay the contractor a fee based on the following percentage:
-in case of cancellation no later than one hundred and twenty days before the production date, 50% of the agreed contract price;
-in case of cancellation in the period between one hundred and twenty days and thirty days before the production date, 75% of the contract price;
-in case of cancellation up to thirty days before the production date, 100% of the contract price.
Without prejudice to the right of the contractor to claim the damage actually suffered if this amounts to more.
If the client postpones production, this is considered a cancellation unless a new production date is set in mutual agreement with the client, on which production can proceed and agreement has been reached with regard to the contract price.
Opdrachtgever dient zich te conformeren aan de in de overeenkomst gestelde betalingstermijnen. Na ontvangst van de bevestiging van de opdrachtgever ontvangt deze hiervoor van de opdrachtnemer een voorschotnota.
De eindfactuur wordt direct na oplevering toegezonden door de opdrachtnemer en deze dient binnen 14 dagen na de factuurdatum te zijn voldaan door de opdrachtgever, tenzij anders overeengekomen.
Indien de opdrachtgever in gebreke is het voorschot respectievelijk de eindfactuur te voldoen, geldt dit zonder nadere in gebreke stelling als een annulering van de overeenkomst en gelden de bepalingen vermeld in artikel 6.1.
Vertragingen bij een uitvoering van een overeenkomst veroorzaakt door te late betaling door de opdrachtgever zijn altijd voor risico van de opdrachtgever.
Reclames naar aanleiding van een factuur dienen zo spoedig mogelijk, doch uiterlijk binnen acht dagen na de factuurdatum, per aangetekende brief aan opdrachtnemer medegedeeld te worden, zulks op straffe van verval van welke aanspraak dan ook.
Opdrachtgever zal zonder uitdrukkelijke, schriftelijke toestemming van opdrachtnemer zijn betalingsverplichting niet opschorten, noch hetgeen hij verschuldigd is verrekenen met hetgeen hij eventueel van opdrachtnemer te vorderen heeft.
Iedere betaling van opdrachtgever strekt in de eerste plaats in mindering van de kosten, vervolgens in mindering van de verschenen rente, en tenslotte in mindering van de aan opdrachtnemer verschuldigde hoofdsom.
Indien de kostprijs van opdrachtnemer wordt verhoogd als gevolg van tussentijdse tariefwijzigingen van omzetbelasting, premies sociale verzekeringen, loonbelasting of andere overheidsheffingen, dan wel als gevolg van prijswijzigingen van derden, is opdrachtnemer gerechtigd deze wijzigingen door te belasten aan opdrachtgever. Ingeval van door te belasten buitenlandse valuta wordt de op de factuurdatum van opdrachtnemer geldende dagkoers gehanteerd. De opdrachtnemer zal de opdrachtgever hiervan op de hoogte stellen.
Indien opdrachtgever in verzuim is met de betaling van enig bedrag, is hij vanaf de dag waarop het verzuim is ingetreden over het verschuldigde bedrag een nalatigheidsrente aan opdrachtnemer verschuldigd. Deze rente is gelijk aan de wettelijke rente, vermeerderd met twee procentpunten, met een minimum van 12% per jaar.
If the client fails attributably in the fulfillment of one of his obligations under an agreement, he will forfeit an immediately payable penalty equal to twice the price for the execution of that agreement due to the resulting delay, without prejudice to the contractor’s right. to claim full damages instead.
All judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred by the contractor in the context of an attributable shortcoming on the part of the client will be compensated by the client as damage due to that shortcoming. The extrajudicial costs are deemed to amount to at least 15% of the amount to be claimed by the contractor from the client.
The contractor is only liable for direct damage to the client that results directly from the non, late or improper fulfillment of the agreement and only if there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the contractor. The contractor is never liable for consequential damage, such as loss of profit.
The client expressly indemnifies the contractor against claims from third parties.
In any case, the liability of the contractor is limited to a maximum of the buy-out sum of the contractor agreed or reasonably expected for the full implementation of the event.
Any claim by the client for compensation for damage must be made known to the contractor within eight days after the day on which the client became aware or could reasonably have been aware of both the damage and the liability of the contractor. In any event, a legal claim by the client for compensation of damage lapses eighteen months after the event that caused the damage.
The client is liable for all damage, which is not the result of normal wear and tear, from the moment the contractor has delivered the work to the moment when the contractor actually starts the completion.
No changes or damage may be made to the rented object. Any damage, including repair costs, must be paid by the client to the contractor.
Without prejudice to the aforementioned, the client is jointly and severally liable for damage caused by the behavior of its guests / visitors / employees.
A shortcoming cannot be attributed to the failing party due to force majeure, if it is not due to his fault, nor is it for the account of law, legal act or prevailing views.
Insofar as the contractor is (partly) dependent on third parties, whether or not engaged by it, for the performance of an agreement, shortcomings that are the result of an act or omission on the part of these third parties cannot be attributed to the contractor.
The contractor has the right to provide a proper replacement performance if an agreement cannot be fully or partially executed as agreed due to unforeseen circumstances, without this entitling the client to a discount on the agreed price or termination of the agreement. . The contractor is obliged to inform the client of such circumstances as soon as he is aware thereof.
If the execution of an agreement will be permanently impossible due to force majeure on the part of the contractor, the client will owe the contractor a reasonable compensation for the work already performed by the contractor.
The Client will refrain from carrying out or having carried out any ideas or proposals from the Contractor, whether or not elaborated, in connection with an event / stand / decor / interior outside the Contractor itself.
The copyrights of all designs of the contractor are and remain its property under all circumstances.
utch law applies to all agreements between the contractor and the client.
Unless provisions of mandatory law oppose this, the court in Breda is authorized to judge disputes arising from an agreement concluded between the contractor and the client.